
Bohemica Signage

Download the Image and flash it onto the disk drive of your Player*. Scroll down to learn how.

*Player can be an x86 PC (such as ASUS NUC) or an ARM PC (such as Raspberry Pi)

Digital signage

What am I downloading?

What am I downloading?

Digital signage

What am I downloading?

After signing up for a Bohemica Signage account, a copy of a player image must be copied to your physical player PC. This image holds a special operating system to turn your PC into a Player.

See our step-by-step video tutorial for detailed instructions. You can also consult the FAQs.

After signing up for a Bohemica Signage account, a copy of a player image must be copied to your physical player PC. This image holds a special operating system to turn your PC into a Player.

See our step-by-step video tutorial for detailed instructions. You can also consult the FAQs.

How to flash the image


What people ask


What people ask

How to install the image?

What is a player?

How to pair the player with my content?

How to install the image?

What is a player?

How to pair the player with my content?

How to install the image?

What is a player?

How to pair the player with my content?

How to install the image?

What is a player?

How to pair the player with my content?

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